Tag Archives: online payment transfer solutions

High-Risk Business No Problem, for Radiant Pay

Do you want to do online business?

But what if you find your eCommerce business on the High-Risk side?

What is high-risk and in who’s eyes?

The online business market is on a real boost. Every small and large business are running here and there to start an online business. In the process when they find their business is a high–risk, considered in the online arena. That sends a real jolt in the nerve.

 But what is the difference if it is high risk or low?

It makes a lot of difference, as high-risk business payment acceptance by offshore banks, and payment gateways treat them with more strict chargebacks and more fee per transaction.

 We have to classify our online business as high-risk or low-risk in terms of banking and merchant services. By knowing that you can pinpoint your type of need, and search for a merchant account that can serve your type of business appropriately.

What are the types of High-risk online businesses and their distinctions to be so?

The factors responsible to label your online business as High-risk not only depend on what you sell online. It also includes the fraud potential, the chargeback possibility, huge amount transection, and history of account losses.

If you are Online with running Tobacco, casino, the adult industry and goods, traveling agency, online gaming, gambling, alcohol and liquor, Glassware, Guns and firearms, Narcotic drugs, debt collection, and many more are listed as the high-Risk businesses by many banks and oversea Merchant accounts.

Radiant Pay can provide solutions

As Radiant Pay can access your request to open a merchant account for your High-risk online business, we are tackling successful transaction bailout for some controversial money transections, in the overseas banks.

 Radiant pay is a leading payment service provider for online payment based in London. Which is a good experienced for catering to the High-risk enterprises with low-cost payment solutions, which are otherwise always targeted by many banks with high chargeback and transection fee, for being High-risk type.

We can handle, or our experts are capable of handling any tricky situation and can guide your fund a smooth pass to your merchant account, which is possible due to our strong foot and goodwill network in many overseas Banks and Banks in European Union countries.

 Radiant pay is the war-horse to rally upon, for your beneficial ride, no matter you do a high-risk online business.

Card Verification Value

safety measures for both #merchant and #customer

The card verification value enhances security both for the merchants and customers. The CVV are of two types called CVV1 and CVV2 respectively. The CVV1 is printed on the magnetic stripe for track 2 of card. The purpose of the first CVV is to verify the data stored in the card is valid and was given by the bank to the person for use. The CVV2 is printed on the back side of credit and debit cards. CVV2 is the three digit unique code which authenticates that the cardholder is genuine and reduce fraud for the business purpose. The American express card has four-digit code which is on the front side of the card. However the purpose of the CVV is to verify that the customer is the actual cardholder and these is considered an added security for the companies who sells their product online, generally used when card not present transaction take place on E-commerce website.

For merchants

Merchants requiring CVV2 for the card not present transactions can dramatically reduce the fraud cases in the business. Using this extra layer of protection can stop breach or fraudulent cards for going through. Avoid retrievals and charge-back fees.

For customers

CVV2 is prominent for the customers when the buy the online products because you say who you are. Under visa regulations, a merchant cannot store customers CVV database.

Address verification system

Address verification system or AVS, was designed by the card issuer to aid in the detection of suspicious credit card transaction activity, and verify that the cardholder address is same which is registered with the bank on file. This is a part of credit card service which requires the authorization for mail order/ telephone order transactions or internet e-commerce transactions. A code is received with an authorization which results in the level of accuracy. This helps to secure the most interchange rates for the merchants.

Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express supports this service and when paired with the CVV confirmation result in a secure transaction. To verify a customer address the merchant require cardholder’s zip code billing and the house or apartment number of the billing address. The merchant not need to enter the street, city or the state of the cardholder. While AVS is not intended for use as absolute protection against suspicious transaction activity, it just helps in authorizing non face to face transactions. Radiant payment gateway solutions recommends to all the merchant that they secure all these type of orders both with CVV and AVS.

4 ways you can shop safely with Mobile Payments!

img_online-payment_850x600_0Almost every individual own a mobile phone to carry various tasks and daily activities like: paying bills, online tickets booking, credit cards and insurances policies through mobile devices. And this proved an incredible way to save customers lots of time and money, also it is fast, secure and easy way to make payments. And these process is simply efficient to all who make online payments. Online payments through mobile devices is growing concern to over-come with frauds and cyber-theft. This concepts sincerely made an effort to safeguard the interest of the consumers and a huge step to safeguard online payments.

Considered this useful tips while shop online

1. Check the url address bar – while making online payments for any purchase of goods and services or to make online bank payments, check the address of the url it should be start with HTTPs . these is the first security sign of safe online payment. This HTTPs gives safeguard that the data is safe and exclusively restricted between you and the system.

2. Regular Update your Device – say goodbye to your outdated version, regularly update is an effective method to block the potential loopholes. These security feature will guarantee you with adequate protection from malware softwares that can risk you with frauds and other cyber theft activities.

3. Keep public Wi-fi away – shopping outdoors with public wifi could be harmful while making online payments transfer If you use it, you are unwittingly exposing yourself to cyber-theft.

4. Don’t Save sensitive data in your device – many of us have a habit to save our login credential in our mobile phone, of course this is good habit, but sometime it could be dangerous if your mobile is stolen or your password is hacked by someone. Stop this habit, because it the easiest way to expose your sensitive data to others. If the app you are using for payment has “store and forward” feature, turn it off.